Saturday, January 14, 2006

All Systems Go

So apparently I can raise the dead...or dead electronics at least!

I got motivated enough to try and fix my computer today. I know, quite a surprise huh? It's going to take me quite awhile to get it fully functional, but it shouldn't be too bad. The next step is to reinstall Windows XP one more time. I need to do a reinstall because right now I have a pirated version of Professional and I don't want to update it because well, it's technically illegal. (Shhhhhhh!!!). I have my actual version of Home edition, but I didn't have the security code for it here. So I'll being doing that later this week along with buying a wireless router to hook up at Katie and Derek's. I also am going to have to redownload all those stupid service packs and security updates. Things are going great this weekend. With they way my life goes I hope I don't show up Tuesday and find out I no longer have an internship or something like that.


Thanks to Steph's bosses for getting her a overnight stay in a hot tub suite last night.

I'm pretty much moved out of my house by now. I have to go back Monday to pick up a few more things and I'll be moving into Derek's later on Monday. This weekend Stephanie and I finally got to use the gift certicate her bosses gave her as a bonus for a free night in the hot tub suite at the Comfort Inn & Suites in Rochelle. We've been waiting for quite sometime to use the certicate, but the wait was finally worth it. It was nice just to have a night to relax after working pretty hard for the last 2 months. We also got to use the certificate she got from them for Christmas which was $100 for Johnny's Charhouse in Dekalb. I got a really nice Ribeye that Steph and I shared and of course I got a Maker's Mark and Seven. Steph got her usual margarita. I guess things just never change.

Before going to dinner we stopped in to Best Buy. I returned the Road Trip that I had purchased and bought a seperate car charger as well as a cassette player for my nano. Now I won't have a constant buzzing when I go to play stuff it in my car. I would not recommend to anyone that you buy the Griffin iTrip or the Griffin Roadtrip. Griffin's FM transmitter's don't work so well, especially when you get into larger cities such as Champaign. I did pick up Jack Johnson's In Between Dreams though. Absolutely love the cd. I think I'm so in love with it just because I've been getting back into acoustic because I traded in for one not too long ago.

Steph has to coach at a game tonight for her poms girls at 6 p.m. and then I think we're going to get a movie and just chill. I'm headed home tomorrow for a little while and then either down to Charleston for the night or staying the night at home then to Charleston to get my shit and get up to Derek's early on Monday. It's kind of a tossup right now. I really need to go visit Sheryl tomorrow. Her mom just passed away the other day. I'm really disappointed I wasn't there for her visitation or anything, but I find it's harder and harder to get back for things these days.

My computer should be up and running by Tuesday or Wednesday I'm hoping. It should be completely back together by today, but I don't have my cds to re-install all the programs and operating system. Then all I'll need is $70 for a wireless router for Derek and Katie's house so I can use the internet.

I've got some more exciting news, but I'll fill you in on that later.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Polar Plunge, well sort of.....

So I took the inevitable plunge into the pond last night. This is what we do when one of us gets engaged or lavalier's their girlfriend. I knew it was coming. Don't ask me what possessed me to propose to Stephanie in the middle of winter, but she's worth it. Let me tell you, the water is as cold as it looks. I don't think that it helped being one of the coldest nights of the week either. This pond trip is bound to make me even more sick than I already am. Luckily I didn't wake up today feeling much worse. I decided to take it light today. I think I'll still go to the rec, but I think I'll only go for like a half hour and won't lift very much. Just abs and cardio for today. Not to mention my neck/back are killing me. I think I had the bar up a little too high when doing squats the other day. If I don't go to the rec at all I need to do somehting really productive like backing up all my images at the newsroom before I leave. We had another scare with the server going down again and I thought I lost a bunch of stuff I really wanted again. I only have 3 days left at Pizza Hut and then I'm off to my internship. Other than that not much has been happening. Hopefully I can resurrect my computer soon so that I can have access to the internet again. In fact, I should probably try to put it back together tonight.