Friday, September 15, 2006

Geese in February-Obviously I'm Bored Tonight

Here's the pic for the day. Just another archive photo.

I just wanted to play with the sepia filter in Photoshop CS. Actually does a really nice job in my opinion. I may look at another few methods to switching it. I'm still trying to figure out how Stephen makes his black and white pop like it does.

I've had more requests for weddings now. The question to myself is do I go ahead and book them now or wait. The wedding's not until April, but my boss wants me to lay off doing weddings as I'm required to be there on the weekends. I'm not sure what to do because I can rake in a grand in a day doing them, but I can't upset my boss. I also would like to find another job by then with a paper so who knows about that even.

Or do I say the hell with it, and open my own studio and do it full time. Opening a studio could be so freaking scary. Not knowing where your paycheck will be coming from. Sure it would be nice to work for myself and there would be times where money would be rolling in, but when it would be lacking how would I handle it. I'm a person that likes a sense of security. Honestly, if I didn't have a lot of college bills it would be much easier to start, but I have an obligation to get those paid off. *sigh* So many choices....

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Back with the Boys

This kid is one bad motha. Tony Gullli is quite possibly the United States most photogenic guy.

Just wanted to throw up an old archived photo. I started going through my old photos on my day off today and absolutely loved this one. I don't think I've ever taken a bad photo of him. Eventually once all photos are up I might make a gallery of just Tony Gulli.

Anyway, I went down to Charleston the other day to shoot bid day photos. I had a great time. I did 6 of the 9 houses at school. Everything seemed to go as planned. Now I just have to hope for a lot of orders.

After working it was time for a little R&R with the boys. It was really nice to see all the guys. I have to congratulate myself for hanging with everyone even though I don't drink all that much anymore. I made it until about 1:45 am when it was definitely time to pass out.

I hadn't played flippy cup in over a year but don't worry. I brought my 'A' game all the way from Rochelle. (Even though I was on the B team.) It was no contest. I did however lose my voice from screaming 'Chug and Flip' from the top of my lungs. Always a good time.