I Was minding my own business tonight driving along Lincoln Ave. delivering a pizza to the Southeast end of town when a black '68 Chevy ran directly into the side of me trying to cross Lincoln from 2nd Street. Jeffrey Hale of Charleston, Ill., slammed his '68 Chevy 1500 directly into the driver's side rear door smashing the glass out of the and sending me into a quarter spin. Luckily for me he missed the driver's door of the car and no other cars were in sight. Hale immediately came to make sure I was alright, but i was already on the phone with 911. I had them send a police officer out, which by the way, was way to long of a response time. It took at least 8 or 9 minutes for a police officer to arrive after I phone in the call. Maybe it was because there were no injuries, but I would assume they would take all precautions and show up as soon as possible. Hale and I stood there trying to figure out what to say to each other for those first few minutes. Hale did apologize realizing it was his fault. He said he simply didn't see me at all. Likely to say that was the end of delivering pizzas for the night. Hale said he has insurance, but could not present documentation of it at the time. (I SURE AS HELL HOPE HE DOES). In fairness, Hale does live in a nicer part of the town where I would assume he has insurance, and even if not, he doesn't look to be short of any money. The reason I say "they're out to get u

s" is because Sunday night, Josh Verdeyen, a fellow Pizza Hut delivery driver was involved in a 2 car accident on the job as well. The lady in front of him pulled a "U"ie in front of him causing him to hit her vehicle. Her insurance is paying for a rental car of his until his estimate and car are done. I'm hoping the same will happen with Hale's insurance company considering Thanksgiving is next week and I'm leaving Monday to drive home. I don't really want to drive home with plastic bag over my window and a door that looks like it could fall off. It really sucks when you get a new car and somebody carelessly runs into it. Hell, why couldn't it have been on my old Dodge Stratus. I wouldn't have even cared if it had been that car. The door was already in bad shape because of a botched bondo job. I could have gotten the door replaced, then sold the car for a good amount of money. Now the value of my car depreciates because somebody ran into me and I won't be able to get nearly what I payed out of it. I guess I could always hope for the damage to be more than the car is actually worth. Not likely though considering the visible damage. In the end I'm just glad I wasn't hurt and neither was the other driver. Had I not been so quick to swerve into the right lane and slam on the brakes it would have probably hit my door and broke my arm or worse given me a concussion. It really is true what they say though, time slows down so you see every moment right before you get into an accident. I can remember actually seeing the glass flying in front of my eyes as it flew from the window. Probably one of the most surreal things I've ever been in.
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