This week has been crazy. I started off Monday by working at the newspaper 9:30-6. Then I had to hurry home, change and go to my second job at Pizza Hut. I worked there until 10 pm. Then I did it again on Tuesday and Wednesday. Wednesday I worked until 11:15 pm. Altogether I figured up by Thursday I had put in 45 and a half hours in by the end of Thursday and I still have to work at least 8.5 hours tonight. It doesn't seem like a huge amount, but when it's split between two jobs it really is a lot more difficult. I'm sure it will pay off in the end. It's helping me get out of debt sooner I guess.
I also officially started my photo essay this week. I met with her last week and snapped a few photos, but I actually went to shoot stuff on Monday. The girl's name is Caitlin Allen and she's from Homer, Ill. Now I thought I worked a lot of hours, but Caitlin is just insane. She works in Truman Hall on campus in the crop sciences labs, goes to class, is involved with a coed fraternity, and goes home nearly every weekend to work on the family farm. The story revolves around Caitlin going home a lot to work on the family farm and eventually trying to take the farm over when her father is done. I have to shoot some stuff for it tomorrow out in Homer so I'm looking forward to that.
I'm going to try and make more of an effort to post on here, but no guarantees. I probably had a little free time last week to do it and I didn't and I could have done something this week if I really tried, but to be honest I was a little down early this week. Just a lot of problems coming crashing in all at once. Most of it all was my fault because of my lack of planning, but there was some other stuff going on too. I find it more difficult to leave Steph after everytime we see each other. I know I should be glad I got to see her, but it just makes me depressed when I think that we still have a ways to go before we live together.
One last thing. I'm going to try and go through the photos from the Will Hoge show last week. I'm sending the photos off to the guy today or tomorrow and I'm going to edit a few of them myself and maybe throw a couple up on here. The band "Backyard Tire Fire" was awesome and seemed to be really nice people. Not to mention the band "Southern Bitch" too. I ended up having a conversation with the bassist Wendy (I think!) for about an hour. Unfortunately I was so annhilated by that point I have no clue what her and I talked about. I got really messed up that night, but will save that story for the blog with the photos.