I woke up yesterday morning to find a white foreign substance on the ground. Since it's not winter yet I know it can't possibly be snow. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
I think someone dropped their cocaine all over my lawn. It could also be a white confetti plane that exploded over the whole upper Illinois area. I just know that I can't possibly be snow because it only snows in the winter.
Where to start? Well, I've been busy. Mostly lost in my own world lately. That's the Harry Potter world I mean. Yes, I'm a dork. I've decided to completely quit denying it. I'm on the 4th book in about 3-4 weeks. I have 2 more to go, but this one is 734 pages long. I'm doing my last wedding of the season tomorrow and then the camera gets sent off to Canon ASAP to be cleaned and checked. I'm going to cry when I have to send it out. At least when I get it back it will be dust free. I've come to the conclusion that I really need to get another camera for backup. I just don't know if I want to get the 30D or the XTi or if I want to go balls to the walls and save up for a Mark II. Christmas hint to everyone. If you have about $3000 sitting around throw me a bone.
Derek's wedding was 2 weeks ago. I got some more really nice stuff from his wedding. Maybe not having my camera around will mean that I can edit all that stuff and some of Lindsey and Kristi's stuff finally so I can get both of them their wedding gifts.
I went to Jon's bachelor party in Crystal Lake last night. We started out and went to Giorgio's followed by a club called Crystal's at the Holiday Inn. I had a blast. It was nice to hang out with some guys. Just wish the club had more ventilation. You never notice things like that until you're no longer a smoker.
I'm going to post some galleries of stuff I've been working on soon. I have some product shots that I worked on for Steph's office, but more importantly I need to work on the website I'm building for them and my own site.
Shit, is what I really need is a photo job.