Damn you parilax. I was in such a hurry to shoot a photo earlier I forgot to zoom a little more to get rid of that. I need to buy some better short lenses as well. Anyway, at leat I'm thinking more creatively now. It's not an outstanding phtoo, but anything helps me these days.
I'm gaining motivation. Whether or not I'm shooting well or not right now doesn't matter. The fact is I'm constantly thinking about something to shoot. I'm also constantly thinking about new equipment I can buy. I'm buying Scott Bort's old 550ex flash tomorrow so I'm stoked. I think the new name for my photography business is going to be Creative Images Photography. Not 100% locked down, but if I had to make an instantaneous decision that's what it would be.
I just loaded up another wedding for October. Steph's friend Laura and her newly acquired fiancee are getting married Oct. 13. If I can line up 2 weddings I'm going to quit TLC. It will be enough to cover me for that little bit.
Oh btw. The photo is in sepia tone because I wanted to learn how to do it for portraits. There's about three different methods I've found and I'm sure I'll find about another 10 before I'm done searching. Any suggestions let me know.
Expect a photo almost everyday for the next couple of days. I'm going to try and get on 'A Photo A Day' as well.