What do you do when you don't have cable or a real full-time job? Read!
I thought since I have so much free time on my hands for the next few weeks I would start reading a lot more. I found a list of 101 Great Books for college-bound students. So far I think I counted just over a handful of the books that I've read which is sad considering I'm a pretty avid reader. I know what most of the books are about, I just have never actually read them. I'm kind of looking forward to it. I'm making it a long term goal of mine to finish every book on the list. I think it will take me anywhere from 2-5 years.
This may seem like a really long time for some people, but I also have to figure in that about once a month I find something I absolutely have to read. I'm actually in the end of Aldous Huxley's 'Brave New World' which just so happens to be on the list. It's a great book and would recommend it to anyone. It's a quick read as well.
Other than that, my life has been filled with playing poker, Xbox and working Pizza Hut. I have a couple of leads on jobs, but don't know how they'll turn out. I know I promised to blog more often and I will. I've been really lacking motivation lately with anything. My room has been destroyed for the past week and just finally started getting really picked up today. I should probably pack up some shit to move out of here soon.
On the bright side, I found a way to finance a 70-200/f2.8 lens this week. It's actually really crazy how it's all worked out. First on Tuesday a guy from some Visual Image Photography called me after seeing my stuff on Sportsshooter and wants me to shoot two freelance jobs on April 29 and May 13. Both will earn me around $150-200. Then on Wednesday John (News-Gazette staff photographer) called me wanting to know if I wanted to do a freelance job for the Chicago Tribune. That'll make $150. So altogether I'm looking at anywhere from $450 to $600. Then I called Clark Brooks today to see if he had any stuff to shoot for him and we talked about equipment for a bit and he said he has a 70-200 for sale for around the $650 range. Much better than the $800 range I was thinking I'd have to pay for a used one. Now all I need is a strobe and a wide angle and I'll be in business (with minimal equipment).