I know it's b/w and I said I was going to stray away from it, but I couldn't help myself
Good news for me today. I found my iPod. Well, okay, I didn't actually find it, but the guy who lives below apparently picked it up off the ground the other night. I went door to door with a flyer this afternoon to look for it and sure enough he had it. I thought it was gone forever. I have to admit being a pessimist I thought someone stole it out of my car, but it looks like I was absent-minded once again. Either way, it's back and I can continue listening to podcasts.
My day off was pretty typical other than that. I worked on the Will Chiropractic website a little. The basics are finished up. Now all I need to do is create all the individual pages. It's going to be pretty soon that it's up now.
I also took pictures at Wills Chiropractic Ladies Night at Hickory Grove Conference Center. It was a really nice turn out for them. I'll post a few more pics from it when I get them. I tried to cover like a news event as much as possible, but this photo kind of caught me off guard. I've been really considering doing a photo story dealing with elderly people. I don't know my angle and I don't know how I'll go about approaching the story, but hopefully I can get some input and suggestions. I was really hoping to go with an Alzheimer's angle simply because my grandfather is suffering from it.
Either way I loved the beauty of this picture. It's not overly done. It's simple and the lines and the glasses say so much to me. This is also the first time I've really used my own camera since it came back.
My battery grip for it is sitting at the camera store. Now I just need $160 to buy it. My stroboframe is also there. Stephen also took my idea and made it his own by adding the lights behind the droplets. I think we both wanted more of each other's photos. I wanted more lights to get his effect and he wanted more droplets to get my effect.
P.S. Random Thought: If you haven't heard the new Plus 44 album check it out now.