T-mount ring and a Pentax Bellows = Macro
As you can see I've started experimenting with Macro work. It's all part of my upcoming Spider series I want to do this Spring/Summer. I'm excited about creating a series. I've never tried to do a photo series before and this one should be interesting. Plus it's all my own idea. I shot a few more the other night, but nothing too big. I'll definitely be doing a lot more detail shots in the future.
I'm waiting to hear what the News-Gazette is going to tell me soon. I should hear back from them either tomorrow or Tuesday. I'll update all 1 of you that looks at this when I get the call. Besides, you'll probably get a phone call from me before you read this anyway.
MLB's opening day is today. Cardinals vs. Mets. I typically don't watch these games, but I generally make a point to watch the opening day game no matter who it is.
I came up with what I consider a brilliant idea for a screen play this morning. My idea is loosely based off of "This is Spinal Tap" combined with the ever popular reality television theme. No full ideas, but I'd actually like to do research for it and write a really funny script making fun of everything from Music videos to bands outrageous backstage requests.
My next post will put me at the Century Club of blogging. I don't know if that's sad or an accoplishment. Either way I'll make it a good post. I have a little news, but I think I'm going to let it wait for the next post. It's nothing extremely exciting, but something that really freaked me out when I discovered it....is that enough of a cliff hanger for ya?