I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate the 4th of July than by sticking an American flag on mannequin head and setting on your front porch. Only in Rochelle.
After moving to Rochelle I have realized it's the Pekin, Ill., of northern Illinois. The only difference is less stores and more hispanics. I can't remember the last time I filled up with gas and didn't see someone buying a case of beer. This includes when I've filled up at 8:30 am.
Anyway, I threw up like 3 or 4 photos from the parade. I basically just took the camera out just to use it. I didn't get anything exciting. I'm going to start doing Steph's sister's senior portraits soon so hopefully those turn out nicely. I'm going to do her photos over a period of a couple of months so she has plenty and she can kind of be my first model for Cropreality. Speaking of which, I think it's time to find a new name. I don't think the Cropreality is working very well for two reasons. The first is that people can't seem to pronounce it properly. They keep saying Croprealty instead of reality. Also I don't think people really understand what it means. I had originally taken the name from a class I took with my advisor Brian Poulter and he said photographers are essentially "cropping reality." So I will be taking suggestions for new names as I don't feel my audience relates.
Be sure to check out this kid from the parade that I got a photo. He drove by in this electric batmobile so fast I couldn't get his name but I'm incredibly jealous.
Oh, I almost forgot to add links to the Terrapin photos I got up. I particularly like this b&w one of him and Steph. As soon as I get my light systems working I will try to get some photos of our new ferret Nalla. Well she's not necessarily new. We've had her for about a month. She looks like a racoon, but you'll see soon enough.