So after one day and one night with Addison, this is what I've found. She's very needy, almost like a baby. You might say, "well, yeah! Duh. What did you really expect?"
No, I don't think you really understand. I can't be in a different room than her for more than 10 minutes without her whining and barking. Until I left her in the garage for a few minutes yesterday, I hadn't really heard her bark or howl. That's all she does when I'm not five feet from her. It got so bad that we had to lock Gizmo in my sister's room and lock Addi in my room to sleep for the night.
As soon as we put her in my room, she laid on the floor and went right to sleep. I did a little research on it and found out she has separation anxiety. It usually stems from a long stay in a kennel, which I would have to say is the case here.
I don't think there is going to be a real good way of combating it until we get into our house in the following week. She's going to have to stay with Chris until we can take her there. I just hope she doesn't get him evicted in the meantime.
I also learned she's pretty smart. After about 25 minutes of working with her I've already taught her two commands. She already knew how to "sit." So I worked from there. I taught her how to "stay" and "come."
Everytime she wouldn't stay, she wouldn't get a treat. Everytime she waited for me to say the words "come" she would get one. It didn't take long for her to catch on. I'm hoping to add more commands as we go, but I don't want to rush her too much. Especially because she'll be going back and forth between Chris and us.
Thank God she's already house trained too. She slept all night right next to my bed, woke up in the morning and whined a little to go outside. I knew she had to go to the bathroom too because I could smell it. She's got a little bit of a gas problem. As long as the gas doesn't turn to anything else, we'll be just fine though.