Judges pine over who will be crowned the 2008 Miss Tuscola.
I got to go to the IPPA conference this past weekend. There were so many ideas rolling around my head after seeing Rod Mar speak Saturday morning.
I had gone out with a group of Illinois photographer's Friday night and didn't get home until 4 a.m. I was seriously considering not even going to the conference because I had only a few hours of sleep, but luckily Max and Stephen were there to make me go. It helps that my car was still in Champaign from the night before.
I'm so glad I went though. I haven't seen a speaker that's motivated me so much. I've really needed it. I became so complacent over the past few weeks I put some photos I'm not proud of in the paper. I think that needs to be the goal for the most part. To always be proud of what I've done.
So many of the things Rod said hit close to home and I'm glad to have found his blog. I wish I could remember some of the specific things he said, but unfortunately I don't. The basis for everything though, was to always be thinking about smart photos. He laid a lot of his success on his ability to think while he's shooting instead of just shooting wildly.
I got this photo during last night's Miss Tuscola pageant. I really like it. I think it tells part of the story most people never really think about. And the lighting is dramatic, so that helps. I'm not sure if I would have shot this photo if I hadn't gone to the conference.
The other thing I've done to try and keep myself motivated is to put little notes on my camera and lenses to myself. They're more like motivators than notes I guess. The one I have on the back of my camera says "Is this your best?" I think it's something I need to continually remind myself of.
I'll probably change it up a bit later, but I'll stick to that one until I'm always doing my best.