My first bird isn't an exciting one, but I promise it will get better.
In my attempt to actually BE Stephen Haas I went bird watching yesterday for the first time. I figured I should give it a try. It was mostly nice just to be outside. I went to a habitat that I've seen on my way to work several times but never stopped. I had never seen anyone out there and it was right a long the highway. Now I know why know one ever goes there. One, there is no easy access to the place. It's apparently sponsored by Ducks Unlimited, but I can't find anything about this place. It hardly even mentioned anywhere on the web. It's called Killbuck Creek. The most information that I can find on it is that it drains into the Kishwaukee River. Maybe I should do some research on it and either do a story or at least create a wiki for other enthusiasts.
The biggest reason I wanted to stop is because I know I've seen a heron there before. No herons today. I'm surprised there's any birds there at all because of all the traffic noise. Nothing peaceful about it. All I got to see was Canadian Geese, ducks, sparrows, and Redwing
If I'm going to continue to do this I really need to get a Nikon P series camera with a digi scope. I don't know how Stephen does it with his 70-200. I can't get close enough to them to get any really good photos. Oh well, that's why he's Stephen I guess.
*Added later*
I actually came into work today and the store was completely rearranged. We had a ton of new stock. Oddly enough in the new stock was a Promaster 18-36x field scope with attatchments for slr cameras. It's going to work out perfect for me I think. It's probably not the best thing in the world, but It's going to cost me 1/8 of what it would to buy a new point and shoot and a Nikon scope. Stay tuned for more blogs to come...