Monday, November 14, 2005

Revamping the Blog

After realizing that updating an html page everyday that I post a blog and creating a new page for the links, ect., I have decided to use this blog site as my blog thanks to the help of Stephen Haas, from This blog site is much easier to update and looks far more professional than one that I have time or the ability to create right now. I'm currently in the process of changing to Slideshow Pro rather than using Simpleviewer for Cropreality because of the use of longer cutlines. Slideshow Pro allows for extended cutlines and has a pop down feature for the info that adds a cool effect. Before the end of the semester I will be changing the entire look of te website. The way it's setup now is fine for the purposes I needed to serve at the time, but I want to move to a more basic look on the front page and minimize the amount of links off the front page so that Slideshow Pro just pops up after clicking on the link. I'm also in the process of finding a photo randomizer. The randomizer will allow for different photos to pop up on the mainpage so it looks like the website is updated regularly. It's an easy trick that makes websites look nicer and adds interest to the website. Haas has one on his website that works really well with about 10 images that change when the site is loaded. I'm either going to copy the html from the pagesource or find the program he used. Two new things needed added to the website are an "about me" section and a "links" section. The about me section should be finished soon as it will be necessary for showing potential employers.

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