In the move to Rochelle I apparently brought a green thumb with me.
It's been a while since I've gotten on here, but that has to do because of many factors. One being the insane amount of time I've spent moving stuff in, putting it away, and then moving it to a new place because it's not in the right place. The second has to do with not having internet until about a week ago. I'm trying to find the time now to blog between working my full-time job, working part-time around the apartment complex as an assistant maintenance, and having a life.
good news though. I have a new lens on the way. I've got a 70-200mm lens that I can shoot some sports with. I'm going to hopefully start something like what Clark has going on in Champaign here in Rochelle. I think it could work, but it's going to take a lot of work and hob nobbing. Maybe by then I'll be able to get a job with a paper. I'm starving to do something journalistic.
I'll fill in what my regular job and everything is tomorrow when I get the chance. It's about 10:15 pm and I'm wiped out. So much for the college hours.
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