Sunday, January 21, 2007

Tough Day at the Office

Can you say Superbowl Shuffle!

Without this work would have been a huge bummer today.

Just because I could.

As you can see it was a rough one around the store today. When the hardest part of your day comes from trying to hook a VCR up to a projector and then literally having customers come in and hand you a paper and say I want everything on this list, you know you're going to have a pretty easy day.

I think after the Bears game started there were maybe a handful of customers to walk through the door. No worries off my back though. I got what I needed sold for the day, enjoyed bits and pieces of the game, and even finished my little ring light flash project. Didn't work as well as I would have liked so I'm going to try again. This time I'm going to take a bit more time on it and try to figure out why I can't get the bottom half of the circle to fill up as much as the top. If you have any ideas let me know.

Other than that, look for some new photos on flickr too. I'm just in the mood to shoot random stuff lately so who knows what will pop up. I may go to the paper tomorrow on my day off to see if they have anything for me to shoot. I won't get paid for it, but at least I'm still shooting. I feel so out of practice lately and have a loss of creativity.

Oh, the photos above were shot with a 10-22 Canon Lens. I want one so bad. I'll blog more about some other equipment I want tomorrow, but my eyes are falling down as I type so it's probably time to put on the Simpsons and fall asleep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like a tough day. I wish I got paid to mess around with camera stuff and watch the game all day...

You should get one of those projectors for your living room and have a Superbowl party. That would be outrageous.