Thursday, August 02, 2007


This kitten caught my softer side last night as it sunbathed in the evening light at the fair.

I happen to see this cat hiding behind a wheel of a buggy used for harness racing at the Coles County Fair Wednesday. Normally I don't shoot pictures of ordinary animals, but this cat had a little soft spot in me because my mom just had to put the family cat down.

I guess Pepper couldn't even lift her head anymore so it was better for her. I'm not much of a cat person, but i never like to see animals in general suffer. It was a bit wierd just seeing this kitten hanging out at the fair.

I guess it was an animal theme all the way around as you can see from my previous post. Stephen had a few bird shots up as well, but his was a little morbid with a dead bird hanging on a wire.

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