The look of excitement or the look of fear?
Stephen got married this weekend. I don't think I've ever been to a wedding with so many photographers and with so much coverage. It shouldn't have come to a shock to me that a news station was at his wedding. After all, he is THE Stephen Haas and now Mallory is THE Mrs. Haas. She has a pretty big shadow to stand in. And not just because of his enourmous chest and bear like qualities.
In all seriousness though I had one of the funnest times of my life and I really didn't do that much. It makes a huge difference when you're surrounded by the best group of journalist/friends a college education could buy.
I realized after this week how much I missed out on in college. Not to say I didn't make my own memories and that my friends weren't awesome in college. I just wish I would have spent more time with the DEN crew as well.
Despite the fact that I didn't really hang out with everyone a lot during college I still felt like a key piece to the group Saturday night. Chances are everyone would have gone about their business as usual without me being there and everyone would have still had a blast, but I like to think I contributed to the good times and maybe, just maybe had I not been there someone's night wouldn't have been complete. I feel incredibly vain saying that, but that's not how I mean it.
Either way, Stephen and Mallory looked radiant Saturday. Kevin German, their photographer extraordinaire gave a very nice and endearing description on his blog, but I got to hang out with Stephen for a good part of the day and want to describe what I saw.
I've never met a man on his wedding day that was so anxious. I don't mean that in a bad way. I mean it in the best possible way. Not that he wanted it over with, but he wanted to be part of the rest of her life more than words can explain.
The night before he barely slept. He told me he only got 30 minutes of actual sleep which I originally thought was really odd. I didn't know if he was nervous or worried or scared. From the time we hit IHOP for the groomsmen/usher breakfast I could tell it was going to be a long day for him.
Mal had already told him no caffeine, so when he tried to order coffee and a coke the groomsmen, in their so not so subtle way, reminded him 'no.'
Luckily the guys kept him busy mostly through breakfast with an onslaught of jokes and stories that were funny only to us. As breakfast trudged along I could tell he was starting to get a little antsy so luckily everyone finished up and out the door we went.
The car ride to the church was a bit of a stretch. Here was my second indication of Stephen's anxiousness. He was speeding. Shhhh!!! Don't tell anyone. He wouldn't want it to get out. In the past couple of months since he moved her I've never seen the man speed. He actually brags that he doesn't. But on the way to Fithian his foot must have grown lead because even though rain was pouring down Stephen pushed the needle up and around 65 on a main highway. Never dangerously speeding, but enough to let other drivers know he meant business.
The next few hours were a little less intense. He calmed down a little. We wandered the church after getting dressed and found Stephen in the basement cooling himself with a turbine-like fan doing his best Darth Vader impression.
Pretty soon we were on our way to the photo shoot in a park. Stephen looked so happy to just be standing next to her. As corny as it sounds I've also never seen someone be so unabashedly sincere with their significant other in front of their friends. The way Stephen touched her face and her hands was like he was touching a expensive porcelain vase. Utter gentleness. At times it made sick and other times I was incredibly jealous that I don't have the self confidence to do it myself. Mostly the latter.
Once we were back to the church the pressure started building for him again. I tried to stay clear as much as I could and do what I could to help. I'm not good with being part of wedding parties because I never really know my role. I never have that comfortable feeling. I always feel like I'm either not doing enough or doing way too much and stepping over my boundaries.
This was no different as I had missed the rehearsal dinner because of work and felt out of the loop. It wasn't anyone's fault. The guys didn't make me feel like that at all. In fact, they only helped to include me and without Josh's help I would have been really lost.
Once all the guests were sat it was Stephen's turn to stand at the front with his groomsmen. Josh and I opened the doors for Mallory's grand entrance.
I could tell Stephen was holding back tears. In some ways him and I are a lot alike. I have a feeling I'll be fighting them back all day when I get married. Especially if Steph can't control the waterworks herself.
Stephen wasn't overly fidgety, but I could hear the "Let's hurry up and get to the 'I do' part" in his voice.
Some may attribute it to his ADHD like qualities that are no stranger to Stephen. He openly admits that he may have it. This is the man that started cleaning our hotel room after the bachelor party because us bums wouldn't get up.
But after seeing the look in his eyes as Mallory was walking down the aisle with her father I understood his excitability all day.
It's rare you get to see that look. I know people say it all the time at weddings, but I think most of them are over exaggerations. He let down all of his tough guy persona for everyone to see at that moment and just soaked his bride-to-be in. Sadly there are few words to describe it.
The rest of the day was obviously a success. I'm sure the two of them were incredbily relieved at the end of the day. As stressful as weddings are they're only truly worth it if you end the day with your one true soul mate.
It seems a little naive to think there's one person out there for each individual, but this weekend solidified my belief in that.
So with that, I say congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Haas. Thank you for the great time this weekend and I look forward to bugging the two of you as my neighbor. I only hope my wedding day is just as special as the two of yours.
1 comment:
Thanks for the words, man. More importantly, thanks for being a part of the big day. it may have felt like you weren't doing a lot, but you were a huge help throughout the day.
And thanks for cutting the caffeine supply... I can't imagine what that day would have been like after a big IHOP jolt.
Oh... Max says hello and thank you for the long cuddle-sessions all week.
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