They call this a horseshoe in springfield. It looks nothing like a horse or a shoe and is not shaped like one either. Maybe they call it that because it pads your arteries like a horseshoe pads their foot.
Last weekend Steph and I took a trip to Springfield to visit some friends. While there, our friends introduced us to something called a horseshoe at Darcy's, a restaurant there. It would be interesting to see where the name for it originates, but I'm afraid anyone who consistently eats these may have died from a heart attack.
We also got to go see the state capitol building and went to a really cool pub downtown where we played card games and sampled imported beers. My favorite by far had to have been the german beer I got. I was surprised the Chinese beer was as good as it was. It was called Tsing Tao. Tasted like Heineken but better.
This photo really caught my eye today as I'm in the middle of doing a Big Loser competition. My goal is to drop 25-30 pounds over 12 weeks. Quite feasible as I've done it before. I joined a gym and have been lifting and running all week long. Feels good to get back into shape. Well, minus those days where you can barely move your arms and legs. (i.e. yesterday!)
I go for my second weigh in tomorrow for it. I'm hoping to have dropped at least two pounds, but at least 1-2 would be good. I've changed my diet up back to when I was at the N-G. Roughly 1500 calories a day and lots of exercise. Difference being I actually have money to buy good food instead of Ramen and Pizza Hut.
So after today's talk about Internet stalking, I decided to do a little of my own. And I don't want to be a creeper by not commenting. Nice pictures.
Wow, took me almost a week or two to realize someone had looked at my blog. Thanks for not creeping.
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