Saturday, June 14, 2008

Russert dies at 58

I'm deeply saddened after hearing of the death of Tim Russert. For those of you who don't know, Mr. Russert was the host of NBC's "Meet the Press."

Mr. Russert was an outstanding journalist with a reputation for remaining unflinchingly unbiased. (Except for his love of Buffalo sports teams.)

I am a huge fan of "Meet the Press," primarily because of Mr. Russert.

Most of my Sunday mornings consist of waking up around 8 a.m., coming downstairs to eat breakfast, followed by a small nap again until the show would come on.

It's a little nostalgic for me too because I can remember my dad watching the show each morning. I think it might have been where most of my interest in politics stemmed from.

The show certainly won't be the same without him.

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