Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Me and the giant Indian

Nothing much today. Went to Oregon (the town, not the state) to get my substitute teachers certification. Technically it was in Grand Detour, but I had to go to Oregon for my finger prints. When I got there, they told me they couldn't do it because the prisoners were out and it was a security issue. So instead of thinking it was a wasted trip I decided to spend a few minutes at the park. Only like 15, but I've always seen the giant statue of an Indian next to the Rock River, but never stopped.

I shot a few series of photos bracketed to put together an HDR photo, but I'm not good enough using the technique yet to show off that photo. Though I actually like the shot I took. I'll post it when I get it done and tell you what I did to it. That'll probably be saved for the other blog though.

I'm sure my buddy Bob would really appreciate this photo. He always has some good smart ass comment about me being Indian.

I actually learned a little history in the 15 minutes I was there. Makes a different when you actually WANT to read those signs in a park.

I also learned how to get that wierd surrealistic look. I'll post on the other blog exactly what I did to this photo. I still have some tweaking to do, but for my first photo like this I'm pleased.

1 comment:

Stephen said...

Man... how tall is that thing? Six feet tall?