This ferocious little guy's eyes are deceitful.
Just because he's a puppy doesn't mean he can't strike fear in you. Okay, so he's really not that ferocious, but he does have some sharp teeth.
Everyone, meet Speedy. No I didn't go out and get a dog. Catie and Derek did though. They brought home this 10-week-old Beagle puppy Friday night. Since they both work the day and I work night I volunteered to dog sit until Catie's done with school later this week.
It's really too bad I'm not single. I could carry him around and have a date every night of the week. I took him to Aroma's with me this morning for coffee with the news crew and almost got mobbed. Don't worry Steph they were all way too old for me.
I took a lolt of photos of him this morning, but this one was my favorite. Check out the gallery if you want to see a few more. I'm sure over the next few days I'll have tons of photos of him. hell, I might buy little accessories to put on him and make him look cool. I believe there's a pair of pink star sunglasses at work that would fit perfect on his head.
It would make it that much more sweet because then I could make fun of Derek saying his dog is turning gay. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.)
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