Speedy knows the importance of newspapers.
Nothing really important happened the past few days. I finally fixed the internet at the house here today. For some reason Catie's router wasn't working anymore. The internet was still working but the router wasn't letting the information through. I think today was the last day I got to babysit Speedy. I'mm going to miss the little guy a lot.
I should here about jobs either later today or tomorrow. I'm really hoping for Crystal Lake. We'll see though. I'm hoping to get my check from the University this week so I can start making plans to move up north with Steph.
Other than that, I have another freelance assignment for Saturday and with any luck, my story should be running on Sunday of next week. Darrell should let me know tonight. John had a wonderful photostory in Sunday and Monday's issue with a girl who lost both hands and feet to bacterial meningitis. She seems like a really cool girl from what John had been telling me. Has a real sense of humor about an unfortunate situation.
As soon as my photostory runs I'll post the photos on Sportsshooter, but I don't want to step on anyone's toes.
Good/Bad news with my Hermes (my car). Yes I've officially named my car. I named it Hermes for the Greek Messenger God. He's also the god of travel and thieves. I figured with as much as I drive him around he might as well have a name and Hermes seems to fit him well. Anyway, it was shifting very peculiarly for a bit at work last night and then all the sudden wouldn't shift at all. I thought it was transmission fluid at first, but after a trip to Autozone today I found out it was actually the Vehicle Speed Sensor. I got it fixed here in town for about $160. Not bad considering a rebuilt transmission would cost me over a $1000.
Well I should probably get to bed so I can get up for coffee in the morning.
1 comment:
My Taurus did the same thing a couple of years ago... but it somehow fixed itself.
Glad to hear that it wasn't the actual transmission.
Good luck with the CL job.
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