Wednesday, August 27, 2008

First-ever tennis shoot

Daniel Williams/Lifeworks Imaging/
RTHS varsity tennis player Jessica Albers reaches for the ball during the team's match vs. Belvidere Monday in Rochelle.

I shot tennis for the first time practically ever today. I think I may have shot it once during my time at EIU, but not that I can really remember. I tried to go featurey with it, but found myself lacking any creativity. I think it was mostly the lack of a clean background. Chain link fences and buildings, poles and everything else behind them don't really inspire much. Regardless, I tried and will continue to try more.

If interested in seeing a few shots from today, check out the link here. I'm really looking forward to soccer, but I have football Friday night and if the rain holds off I'm going to try for some skating shots with lights tomorrow.

It's been a long night and hard day, so I'm headed to bed. Good night all!

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