Monday, August 25, 2008

The blog's back

So it's been a little while. Here's an update. Stephanie and I moved to Rochelle. I no longer work for a newspaper. In Rochelle we plan to start our photography studio. We're in the process of buying a house and she's back to work for Wills Chiropractic in Rochelle.

Other than that, not much has happened. I guess that's enough excitement for a few months. Anyway, now that I don't work for the paper I feel I can freely post whatever I want. Feels kind of nice. I'm really trying to learn a lot of new photography tips right now. It seems the more I learn the less I feel I know. Seems odd, but photography has really evolved in the past several years. Things that worked well in the past don't necessarily work any more. Digital has opened up the realm of possibilities so much too. The learning curve gets shorter each day and I feel I slip farther behind at a faster pace. Maybe one day I'll feel I'm at a comfortable medium. I'll update later tonight on more specifics, but just wanted to get a brief post about what's happened so far.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

about damn time...... lazy ass...